Sunday, September 28, 2008



This was such a fun weekend. Thursday, Nate and I went to lunch at Guru's in Provo. I had school after that until about 6:30pm and then I headed up to Salt Lake to a University of Utah girls' volleyball game with my friends Alli and Krista. After the game we went to dinner at Z Tejas at the Gateway. I don't highly recommend that place. It was ok though...good guacamole! Friday, Eliza and I went up to Logan to spend some time with Nate and his kids. It was a blast!! Nate had to work until 4pm so I took all 3 kids to the park. They loved it! Kaya and Aivery especially liked the tire swing. I decided it was time to move onto another part of the park when Kaya said that the spinning was making him sick to his stomach. I didn't really feel like cleaning up throw up. The kids loved the swings and playing in the sandbox. It was so fun! I was glad I was able to spend some time with the kids all together and help Nate out at the same time.

After Nate got home from work, we watched the kids play for a little while and tried to relax. Its a little bit tough we we've got 3 kids running around though. Later that evening we made pizza from scratch. Kaya was so excited about it! He would ask about every 5 minutes after Nate got home, "Can we make pizza NOW?!" We finally gave in. The pizza was pretty good! I didn't think it would actually be that yummy with Pillsbury crust, but it really was!

After dinner, Nate was ready to put the kids to bed. Aivery likes for Nate to lay by her and watch Teletubbies while she falls asleep. Eliza thought that was such a good idea, so she went over to observe what was going on. I had to snap a picture, it was too cute!

I put Eliza down while Nate was getting Kaya to bed. I needed a little bit of relaxation time before I headed back home...a 2 hour drive. Nate and I hung out for a bit and then around 11pm, I got on the road. I was SOOO tired, but I'd had such a good time, I was ok driving.

Saturday morning my sister Carrie Beth and her 2 girls Megan and Madison came in from California. It was so good to see them! I took Madison and Eliza and met Nate, Kaya and Aivery at the Aquarium in Sandy. The kids LOVED looking at the fish! I knew Eliza would like it, but I wasn't sure if the other 3 kids would enjoy looking at a bunch of fish in fancy tanks. They seemed to have a good time though my neice Madison kept saying, "You know Laura, The Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach [in CA] is much bigger and better this one." Ahhh! The truthfulness of 7 year olds.

After the aquarium we went and met my parents and Carrie Beth at Gardner's Village. We walked around in the shops. I thought for sure that Kaya would HATE walking around in the shops, but he was a super sport and did GREAT!! So did Nate for that matter ;)! We let the kids watch the ducks and then we had a very yummy dinner at Archibald's Restaurant in Gardner's Village. The kids did so awesome! I promised Kaya if he was so good that we would get him a pumpkin because I thought we could buy one there, so when I went to go buy one I found that you actually COULDN'T buy them, they were just for "show" (DUMB!). He was crushed! I felt terrible!

Nate got Kaya and Aivery ring pops for being so nice while we were there. I thought Aivery's tounge was a crack up so I had to take a picture...Kaya's tounge was equally as green, but he was pretty tired of pictures by the end of the day. HAHA! We had the MOST fun hanging out with my family! I was so glad Nate came down with his kids. A fabulous couple of days!

This afternoon/evening my family and I drove up the Alpine Loop. I actually had never done that before. I'm not good with roads that "loop" so I wasn't all that excited for this little trip. The leaves were changing though and it ended up being such a BEAUTIFUL drive. We stopped at some picnic tables right by Timpanogos and had a picnic. Eliza played by the water - I don't know why that girl loves the water so much! It was a blast!!

I'm not sure if this weekend can be topped! I guess we shall see next week! Hope all is well with everyone! TAKE CARE!!


Davenport Family said...

You always do such fun stuff! I love all the pictures, you can tell you guys all had a really good time. I am so excited to hear more about this Nata, he sounds super nice. You have to email me and fill me in!!!!

Mollie said...

So, I haven't talked to you in awhile. Gee...I wonder why. I think you should call me still. Sad that I am the only one not in the picture on the Alpine Loop. Oh, I took the pictures of Eliza at the desk. I was trying to find something to wear in your closet and I turned around and she was up there, smiling at me. Your camera was sitting on your dresser so I couldn't help it.

Alli said...

You weren't kidding when you said A LOT of pictures but it looks like quite an eventful weekend. Love the picture of you and Nate in the kitchen! So cute.