Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Brag & A Rebuttal

I just needed to brag for a little minute. I looked at my final grades for the semester today and this is what I saw:

INTRO TO EL ED B (I should've gotten an A! I'm a little sad!)

HOORAY! I never thought in a million years that my grades would look like that my first semester into school. So I just needed to brag, SORRY!

And now for my rebuttal! For those of you who have read my friend Kary's blog recently, he has a post entitled "Speed Bumps." You may want to review this very interesting version of the story before reading my TRUE version of the story. You can click on his link under "Blogs I Love!!" just to your right of this page. Anyway, Kary's version of the story is what I like to call the "Lifetime" version. We've all watched those movies on the Lifetime Channel. You know, the ones that are "based on a true story". OK! Well, Kary's rendition is like one of those where the actors who are portraying these actual people are beautiful and charming and make the true story somewhat endearing and tear jerking, in this case (his case) comical and biased. My version is the version where in a TV interview you actually see the people the Lifetime movie is based off of and they are not quite as beautiful and endearing as the actors that played them, in fact they aren't very attractive at all, yet at the same time, they are entertaining because they are so different from what you pictured. OK! That was a long metaphor, but I had to state my case. First of all, the speed bump wasn't that big. It's wide and I really have never seen one that looks the way that this one did, but skipping over that fact, I had everything under control. And I wasn't going THAT fast! I was completely aware of my surroundings and my speed, so COME ON! Another thing, quite often when Kary is busy or bored he either hums or sings this little diddy: "Bum, bum, bum, dum..." almost to the tune of Indiana Jones but he never quite gets to the point of that thrilling soundtrack. So naturally, I just thought that he was singing, so when he started screaming, "BUM! BUM! BUM!" I looked at him like, "What are you doing?" and that is when I went over the speed bump. So you can see, naturally I was distracted. However distracted I may have been though, everything was, like I said before, UNDER CONTROL! So, that is my brief, but TRUE version of the happenings of the speed bump. I hope it was still entertaining for you all, though it may have been just a tad less "attractive." That is my rebuttal, I rest my case (unless Kary writes another version and in that case, I will be forced to defend myself).

Monday, April 28, 2008

"Ball Baby" Mei Tai Carriers, Playing in the Grass & Eliza is 10 Months Old!

OK! As I said in my previous blog post, Eliza and I did some modeling for one of my sister's friend's new company. These carriers are so amazing! I actually have one of those other wraps and Eliza was not a big fan, plus, I never felt like she was very secure. These Mei Tai wraps are so sturdy. You can wear them on your front, back or hip. Little babies can fit in these as well as toddlers. It is seriously so handy! I'm so excited to get mine! Go to and check them out! They are so worth the investment.

I also posted some pictures of Eliza playing on the grass the day we did the modeling. We had so much fun sitting in the sun and playing. Eliza kept eating leaves. I was constantly picking them out of her mouth and then she would go right back on her way, eating leaves or anything she could get her hands on. She also turned 10 months old on Friday. I can't believe my baby is so big! She's crawling and getting into all sorts of mischief. But, her mischief is just so cute! Its amazing that she will be a year old in 2 months. We will have quite the little party!

We are going to Florida next week. I am so excited to go and see all of my friends! Most of them have not seen Eliza. We will have 8 days of going to the beach and the pool and just relaxing. Its going to be great! Oh! And, I decided a diet BEFORE a vacation is just ridiculous! But, when I get back, I am all over it!

Eliza's Funny Faces

Eliza's has started to make the funniest faces. When she gets really excited she opens her mouth and makes her eyes really big which makes her eyesbrows go pretty much through the roof. It is the funniest thing I have ever seen her do. Her dad was here this weekend and caught her doing them with some pictures. I'm so glad he did because I have never been quick enough with my camera. She is so funny! I have a feeling that my little cutie is going to have quite the personality. Here are the cute pictures:

Isn't that hilarious? I'm going to post another update a little bit later today. My sister is sending me some cute pictures she took of Eliza on Friday. Also, Eliza and I were models for one of Mollie's friend's new company. The website is They are wraps for a baby or even a an older child. I am a huge advocate for these. Go check the out on that website. They are so worth the investment. Hope all is well!


Thursday, April 24, 2008


ALRIGHT! Enough of this nonsense! I am officially starting to scrapbook. Now that school is out and things are starting to calm down a bit, I have decided that it is necessary to scrapbook mine and Eliza's life. I'm pretty excited actually! I have decided to do the digital scrapbooking. Apparently, it is the "newest thing" in scrapbooking. However, I have NO clue how to do it. Has anyone done this? Would anyone who HAS done this mind sending me some tips on how to get started ( I would love to hear everybody's ideas. What else does everybody do to preserve memories? I used to think blogging would be my way of "scrapbooking," but I think I've changed my mind. I subscribed to the magazine DIGITAL SCRAPBOOKING and they said that they are sending a How-To book with it, so lets all cross our fingers that it helps me.

Also! I have this book called "Eating for Life." It is by the same guy who does the program "Body for Life." I did the eating program awhile back and I actually did really well on it. I think I'm going to try doing this for awhile and see how it works for me. I'm willing to try anything that doesn't leave me hungry and in turn, very CRANKY! Its not good for my relationships =). Hope all is well with my fellow dieters. Let me know how everything is going!


p.s. I fear that I have become a shameless blogger! Oh dear!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

DAY ONE: The Start of My Diet

OK! So I started my diet yesterday and oh man am I hungry!! Yesterday I had a Diet Pepsi, a diet frozen lunch (Chicken Enchiladas with rice), a couple pieces of cheese and meatloaf with mashed potatoes. That's so not a lot of food! I'm so hungry! I cannot believe I am putting my progress on my blog. YIKES! I hope this gets better because hunger and I do not mix very well. I have never had the meal on this picture, but it looks pretty yummy doesn't it? So my tip of the week is this...frozen diet meals ARE actually pretty yummy, but at first you will probably want some snacks in between meals. I also make a salad with dark leaves to go along with my meal. Hope everything is going well for my fellow dieters! I would love to hear updates!

(I can't believe I'm doing this...) WEIGH IN: 137.8 lbs

Saturday, April 19, 2008

9 Months to put it on, 9 months to get it off...

...well, its been 9 1/2 months since Eliza was born. Two weeks ago I lost my "9 months on, 9 months off" excuse. My sister Mollie has inspired me to lose 10 pounds with her. So, I'm going to do it! No more baby fat for me. PLUS! It's swim suit season and I just bought a very cute (expensive, YIKES!) swim suit that I want to look good wearing this summer. Mollie is going to be tracking her progress on her blog, so I will do the same on here. Anyone want to join? Good luck to anyone who ventures into this challenge. Keep me updated on your methods.

This and That...

Well, I decided to do a miscellaneous blog this afternoon. I was looking through my camera and I have some pictures that I haven't posted. The picture above however is of Eliza this morning at the park. She LOVED the swing! I don't know why but I have never put her in the swing at the park. I have to say, it was a little selfish of me because really, the only reason I did it (ok! not the only reason) was to get a cute picture. It looks like I succeeded! She's so sweet!

A few weeks ago, my friend Kary and I put together Eliza's crib and dresser. I was convinced I could put the dresser together ALL BY MYSELF, so I didn't allow anyone to help me. I did it! Well, with a little bit of help from Eliza. Kary got the crib put together perfectly, but I have to say, I was pretty proud of myself. I'm still getting her room together. We got the rocking chair yesterday. I'm so excited! I think Eliza is too ;). When I get all the knick knacks up I will post a picture of the finished product. But here are some pictures of the furniture-putting-together process:

Here are a couple of other pictures of Eliza. This is the reason why I titled this blog "This and That." There are a few things that have no rhyme or reason.

This passed week I have been studying for finals and writing papers. One of my papers was to be 5-7 pages long for my English class. My plan was to do it on the Nature vs. Nurture Theory, but on the day before it was due I decided to change it. I wasn't finding enough, so I made things way difficult and changed my topic completly. So, on Wednesday I went to the library at 10am and stayed until 9pm (with a couple of classes in between). My paper was entitled "Divorce Ends a Marriage, Not Parenthood." I am very pleased with the outcome, hopefully my professor will feel the same way. This picture is the only way I can describe how I feel at this point:

I can't wait till finals are over! Hope all is well with everyone!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I was looking through some pictures on my computer today and I found this one of Eliza. She was about 3 months old. I cannot believe how fast time goes. She is so sweet now. She always has been, but her little personality is so sweet now. In the mornings either my mom or dad or I will go into her room and she will be just sitting there smiling. It is the cutest thing! Yesterday I had my IPOD on and I started singing to her while she was eating some treats and sitting in her high chair. She started cracking up. I could hardly finish a song (which is probably pretty fortunate for her) because I was laughing so hard! I love all of her little milestones. She's such a happy baby. She's crawling all over now too! My little baby is so grown up!

Hope all is well with everyone!


TAGGED! Well, not really...

Alright! So really...I wasn't tagged. But no one ever tags me (that I know of), so I was taking this opportunity to pretend I was tagged. Hehe!

A-attached or single: um....

B-best friends: Kary is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. But, my sisters and I will forever be bosom buddies.

C-cake or pie: Pie! My mom's frozen chocolate pie. YUMMY!!

D-day of choice: Friday, I guess.

E-essential item(s): For me? Geez! I really don't know. I don't usually think about essential items for me anymore. But if I had to say one thing, it would be my laptop or cell phone. What would we do without cell phones?

F-favorite color: I love pink and brown for Eliza, but for me...Yellow.
G-gummy worms or bears: If I really have to choose, gummy bears. But in reality, neither are my favorite.

H-hometown: Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I-indulgence: Anything for Eliza. I think I have a sickness.

J-January or July: July! I'm so tired of winter! But ask me in July and I may have a different answer ;)

K-kids: 1- Eliza. She really is the cutest thing you will ever see.

L-life is incomplete without: Eliza, family, friends and chocolate.

M-marriage date: Hmm...N/A at this time.

N- number of siblings: 1 brother, 2 sisters.

O-oranges or apples: Oranges

P-phobias or fears: OLD THINGS! Antique stores FREAK me out! Don't ever ask me to go cuz I won't.

Q-quotes: "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it." I live by this quote these days.

R-reasons to smile: My whole life is a reason to smile. I have such great friends and an amazing family.

S-season: Summer and Fall

T-tag friends: Mollie, Karly, Megan, Chrissy, Hailey. Carly! I'm pretending that you tagged me ok! (I needed a break from studying)

U-unknown fact about me: I like to eat the Williams Sonoma hot chocolate out of the tin. Its so stinking good!

V-very favorite store: Nordstrom. I don't know, I don't go shopping very much.

W-worst habit: I roll my eyes when I probably shouldn't.

X-x-ray, ultrasound, or mammogram: Ultrasound. I loved getting ultrasounds when I was pregnant with Eliza.

Y-your favorite food: Mexican. I could eat it anytime, anywhere.

Z- Zodiac: Capricorn

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Hello Everyone! Here are some cute Easter pictures that my brilliant sister Mollie took! Aren't they cute?! Look at Eliza's little teeth. She's getting her top ones in now too. Its so crazy! I cannot believe how big my little cutie is getting. I know, I keep saying that, but everyday there's something new.

I hope all is well with everyone! We would love to hear from you.