Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I started school today. I only had 2 of my 5 classes, but I can already tell that this semester is going to kick my behind. My history class is requiring me to read "1776" and write a book review about how I felt about it. I can already tell you, I'm going to HATE this book! BOO! And then I also have to write another paper on my perspective of both presidential candidates. That assignment I think I might enjoy. I have been wanting to learn more about Obama and McCain but have never had the time. Now I HAVE to! My math class is supposedly easy, but that subject is so hard for me for some reason. I could write a paper in my sleep, but ask me to figure out the simplest long division and I get so stressed out. My teacher seems nice though so hopefully he will be willing to help me.

My mom and dad are so nice to watch Eliza in the evenings. Tuesday and Thursday I have classes during the day so John's mom has offered to take her on Tuesdays and my awesome friend Lisa will watch her on Thursdays. I have such great friends and family! I am so grateful to everyone that has been willing to help me so that I can get my degree. Thank you SO MUCH!!


Rey and Melanie said...

Go YOU!!! Thats awesome you're gonna get your degree. You're truly blessed to have such a wonderful family to help you get through your schooling. I hear ya on the whole math thing, I suck at it too.

Karly said...

Good luck with school! I love the picture with your backpack on. :) We're sad we missed seeing you this weekend, but we definitely need to come up there soon!

Lisa R.D. said...

Is your dad going to be okay with your reading up on Obama :) ? I really enjoyed both of his books!

We are looking forward to having Eliza with us--I hope she remembers me :).

Morgan said...

You might try listening to 1776 on CD. Brice started listening to it on CD and he really likes it. You might like it more than you think; I've heard lots of great things about it from lots of different kinds of people. Good luck with school this semester! We start on Tuesday, but since I don't have any math classes I'm excited. If I had math I'd be dreading it. But my poor hubby has taken 7 math classes (8 if you count statistics) and he still has two more to go! Isn't that sad!? So call him if you need to complain--he'll understand!

Cory and Emily said...

Good Job Laura! What are you majoring in? Hope you have a great semester!

Sara LaClaire said...

i think it is the cutest thing that you took a picture of yourself wearing your backpack on the first day of school. :D so funny! ps. i need copies of the pictures from the aquarium. i still want to hit up the tracy aviary up in salt lake. i think the kids would LOVE it.