Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My View of the Gym

OK! So this passed week I have decided to keep myself and my body where I want, I need to go to the gym 5 times a week. I have really learned to love my 1/2 hr on the treadmill and then another 1/2 hr of weight lifting. Its hard, but I know that I will be pleased with the results. I already am! HOORAY! That being said, there is something that really drives me nuts about the gym. Today especially I noticed how ridiculously vain people are. They come to the gym looking hot and then just walk around waiting for another hot person to wallk up and talk to them. Its so annoying to me! Then they continue to check themselves out in the mirror. What is that all about?! I guess to each his own, but honestly, is the gym somewhere to find someone or keep yourself healthy? I guess it all confuses me because I actually wear CLOTHES to the gym, and my priority is to get into shape, not check guys out or be checked out. Whatever! That's just my gripe. HAHA! Ridiculous, I know!


Davenport Family said...

I agree! I always look my worst at the gym, especially while on the treadmill!!! Good job on working out! I haven't been for a couple weeks, but I am going running tonight. I am proud to say that I have lost am extra 4 lbs in addition to my pre-pregnancy weight:)