Saturday, August 9, 2008

BOOK REVIEW: Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

Alright! I am officially in the deepest depression of my life. How can it be that I am finished with the Twilight series? What am I going to do when I'm doing cardio at the gym? What am I going to read before I go to bed at night? It's the saddest day!! That being said, I have to say, this book was truly the best one of the series! Naturally, it being the last one, it should be, but this was more than I expected. All of the other ones took just a little bit of time to get into. This one was a non-stop action, love story with amazing family dynamics throughout the entire book. I was impressed with the way the love triangle between Edward, Bella and Jacob worked itself out. I was a tad bit surprised (you will understand when you read it), but all together warm and fuzzy. The beginning was a little bit bizarre but entertaining all the same. I just really loved this book. Now, I'm back to reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer. Its been a little bit hard to get into thats why I didn't finish it before I started Breaking Dawn (I was much too excited!). But, I'm going to stick with it and I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised. I highly recommend Breaking Dawn to adults. It's a tad bit to mature -in my opinion- for YOUNG adults or younger, but I'm sure you all can make the call for your own kids. I was going to get the whole series for my neice for her 13th birthday, but it's just a little bit much for her sweet, innocent little mind. BUT! I loved every aspect of it! I can't say it enough!

6 comments: said...

I thought Breaking Dawn was the best one, too :)
I don't know if it's the best book for most 13 year olds either, ha.

I need to read the host--I just haven't been to an actual book store in a long while (except to run in and pick up breaking dawn, but that was a necessity, haha) because I'm a big library user, but I'm still like number 200 on the holds list lol

Everyone I've talked to really ended up liking the host, so, be hopeful! :)

Hipple Family said...

I can't wait to read more........I read the first one a couple weeks ago-but with moving etc I have stopped. We will be in utah this next week and I am borrowing my moms next two books so I can't wait!

Tifany said...

I am too sad that the Twilight series os over :( I LOVED Breaking Dawn and also how the love triangle left everyone happy...(except Leah, I was hoping there would be some resolution for her too) But overall loved it and saddened that i have to find something else to read which will not compare!! I read the Host and it takes a while to get into but eventually you will not be able to put it down.. although nothing will ever be as good as Twilight!

Cory and Emily said...

Hey Laura! So, I have been wanting to read the Twilight series but have been so darn busy! But, I got a great idea from you to read them while working out at the gym! I am so excited to start! Yes, we do need to hang out soon! We should all go to lunch when nikki is in town! C-Ya!

Davenport Family said...

I am glad you finished it! I LOVED it & I was so surprised by how they worked out the whole Jacob thing. I didn't see that one coming!!! I am also sad it is over but I can't wait for the movie to come out! I am also searching for another good book to read, I was thinking about starting the Host but I don't know if I want to read that one.

Sara LaClaire said...

hey, i just finished it last night. so good. thanks for letting me borrow it. i still recommend "these is my words". :D