Thursday, August 14, 2008


This week has been a week of contemplation for me. I am so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; to have the knowledge that I have of this amazing, fully restored Gospel. I love that I know that no matter what happens here on Earth, if I live faithfully and obediently to the Lord's commandments, I can have an eternal family. I am comforted to know that life is just a moment and that there is so much more after death. What a blessing!

On Sunday night my sister Mollie called me and told me that our friend Amber had passed away. I was immediatly devastated. I couldn't breathe. Amber was an amazing person; only 25 yrs old. She was genuinley kind and considerate. I loved her the second I met her over 7 yrs ago at the BYU/U of U baseball game. She made you feel like you were the only person that mattered when she would be around you. She was an AMAZING mother; a FABULOUS wife! Not only that, but her faith in the Savior was apparent in everything she did. She radiated light and optimism. I look up to her more than anyone. Her husband Trevor is equally as special. Talk about a power couple! Their love story is timeless! They were so happy and in love, even after 2 kids, under 3 yrs old and 7 yrs of marriage. What an inspiration! Her death is a huge loss to so many people. At her funeral this afternoon I found that everyone felt the way I do about Amber (and Trevor). She is so loved and adored by many! I feel very blessed to have had her touch my life. She will be a part of my heart forever. She will be missed tremendously, but never forgotten.


Karly said...

Oh Laura I'm so sorry. Her name sounds familiar and I know I've heard about her a few times over the years. How sad for her husband to be alone with their kids, but how blessed he is to have the gospel. My heart goes out to him and her family!