Monday, August 11, 2008


ALRIGHT! Eliza has officially reached "girly girly" status. She loves to sit and watch me do my make up in the mornings (or afternoons - whenever I have time to get ready). She also like to pretend that she's doing her own make up as well. It's pretty cute! Then on Saturday I was getting ready to go out. Eliza saw my necklace and immediatly wanted it. I tried to distract her with something else, but...what Eliza wants, Eliza gets sometimes (I am in so much trouble!). I finally gave in and put it around her neck. She wanted to see herself in the mirror so I lifted her up. I said to her, "Oh Eliza! You look gorgeous!" in a very dramatic, exaggerated tone while throwing my head back to make this situation an even bigger deal. Eliza started doing the same thing. She also (I don't know where she got this from) flipped her invisible hair with her hands and said, "Mama! Gis-gis!" She continued to repeat this the entire time she had my necklace on. Needless to say, she was less than pleased when it was time for me to leave and I needed my necklace back. I did a quick trade with another necklace and she seemed somewhat appeased. So then yesterday she wanted my necklace and my bracelet again. When I gave it to her she wanted to look in the mirror. When I took her to the mirror she flipped her "hair" and threw her head back and said, "Oh Mama! Gis-gis!" My family and I cracked up! What a funny baby! I remembered that I had a little baby necklace that my friend Jessie gave me for my baby shower before Eliza was born. I got it out and put it on her. She was more than thrilled! Today she has needed it on all day. She walks around the house saying, "Gis-gis!" I put the bracelet that matches the necklace on her and that made her even more excited. It doesn't quite stay on because her wrists are too tiny but she carries it around anyway saying her new favorite word: "Gis-gis!" My dad said, "Oh Eliza! You look so pretty!" when she walked into his room and waited for a compliment but when he said that Eliza quickly corrected him, "NO! Gis-gis!" Oh dear! I'm a little bit worried, but pretty entertained at the same time. HAHA!


Mollie said...

Oh my gosh! I love her so much! I already miss her. Good thing you guys are coming next week!

Megan said...

hehe... just wait till she's 16!

Lisa R.D. said...

She is too cute. It's so fun to see/hear how her little personality is developing--she's a princess!

Hipple Family said...

That is hilarious! She is so darn cute ! I hope to meet up with you guys this week................

Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

You have your hands full with this little soon to be hottie! She is so cute!

ryan + carly said...

ahhhh! so dang cute. gis gis! i love it. i got to see her at the office today (i was working for janette) and she looked so cute in her necklace. i must agree though...she does look gis gis!!!