Monday, August 4, 2008

Hazards of a Walking Child & Yummy Cheesecake!

On Saturday evening Eliza was so glad to be out of the car and home after dinner that she turned into a maniac. A funny maniac I have to add. She zoomed up the first flight of stairs onto the landing that led to the other flight of stairs. She reached for the rungs on the banister so that she could stand up and do kind of a "neener! neener! neener!" thing, however, she missed and banged the right side of her face on a rung. She was devastated for a little minute but she is a busy little girl and there really was no time for feeling sorry for herself apparently. I felt terrible though! It was immediatly bruised! I wanted to cry! My mom felt equally, if not more terrible because she had been the one coming after Eliza to play when it happened. Ugh! The hazards of pre-toddlers! The bruise was worse than the picture yesterday. It was all the way up close to her eye. People at church just kept looking at her, only a couple of brave people asked what happened. I wanted to get up and bear my testimony in sacrament meeting about what happened so that everybody would know and all the old ladies would stop looking at me like I was some neglectful mother. Did their kids not ever have falls? No? Just mine? Alrighty then! I hate it when Eliza hurts herself for a couple of reasons. 1) My poor little cutie gets hurt! It makes me so sad that I couldn't do anything for her; that I wasn't fast enough! And 2) Like I said, people look at you like you should have done something. WAH! You can't win as a parent, I'm convinced! She's doing great though, she doesn't even notice it. Just me and my sweet sister Mollie who continues to say, "G'all Laura! It looks like its getting worse!" REAL NICE!

OK! So it doesn't look quite as bad in the pictures, but it really is sad looking. Poor Little Baby!

Before the tragedy of Saturday evening everything was just peachy! We went with Carly to the Layers Clothing sale in the morning that wasn't all that great, but it was still fun. Later we went to lunch with Vicky (Mamaw), Carly and cute Jude at Cheesecake Factory. For those of you who know me, you know I LOVE going out to eat, however, it just isn't as glamourous when I have to have stupid salads with low calorie dressing all the time. GRR! I had an herb crusted salmon salad with balsamic dressing (lo-cal). It was actually pretty yummy! After lunch was finished, Carly ordered cheesecake. I was so sad, but Eliza enjoyed it for me. She was obsessed! She wanted to get every bit off of the fork. It was hilarious! When we left the Cheesecake Factory, we headed up to Chris and Azy's cute little apartment. They are getting married next month. The apartment was adorable. Very much their style! Wood floors, original hardware on the doors. It was the cutest! It made me very jealous! I wanted so badly to have my own place. One day! We had a very fun day! Eliza performed perfectly! She's such a funny baby...I mean, little girl!


Morgan said...

Oh, Laura! It's so hard to watch them hurt themselves, but take heart. It makes them stronger! And I don't think they have the same feelings of pain as we do as adults. If you want a boost in your parenting self esteem in the department of horror stories of injured babies, just ask. I'll tell you about the times I dislocated Raelin's elbow (yes, that was plural--timeS) or when Brice doused Ryker's face (and eyes) in gasoline, the time Jordan got his hand sucked up in the vacuum cleaner, the time Brice got a pick-up stick shoved through his lip, or about a dozen other such catastrophes. These things just happen! But it is the darn cutest thing when you do save them and they say, "Wow! Thanks, Mommy! You just saved my life!"

ryan + carly said...

oh soooooo sad!!! poor little lady. give her kisses for me. thanks for the fun adventure in the blistering hot warehouse the other day! and of course, the cheesecake! mmmm. next time you will maybe get to have a bite of the avacodos though!!! lol. love ya.