Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Sweet Little Puppies

So those of you who are frequent viewers of my blog know that Eliza and Phoebe are best friends. They share everything...even their toys. Well, just recently (as of yesterday) Eliza has stepped up her version of "sharing toys." Just so you all know, I didn't allow this to happen much longer than to take pictures and laugh for a few minutes. Eliza has decided to copy Phoebe's way of playing and carrying things around in her mouth. You think that's funny? Well, Phoebe isn't thrilled with the idea of Eliza wandering around on hands and knees with her toys in her mouth. Yesterday she decided to challenge Eliza by trying to reclaim her toys out of Eliza's mouth. It ended up in a tug of war; Phoebe was growling and Eliza was cracking up. It was pretty entertaining, so obviousley I had to grab my camera. Just so you all know, I took the toy away from Eliza right after I finished taking pictures.

Later that night, after a long playing session and stress, Phoebe was POOPED! While my family was in the living room just chatting after Eliza had gone to bed I looked at Phoebe and this is what I saw. How funny is that! Poor little puppy, having to deal with silly little Eliza. HAHA!


Karly said...

Too cute! I love it, haha.

Morgan said...

Oh, man, that's awesome! Supposedly, dog's mouths are cleaner than human mouths (ask any pediatrician--a human bite is more dangerous than a dog bite! Who'd have thought?), so no judgments here about letting them mouth the same toys! Phoebe might the one that needs her teeth brushed. Haha! One of our dogs has always had a fetish for stuffed animals. He chews their eyes out. So we have countless stuffed animals around here that are blind and eyeless, but the kids love them just the same!