Thursday, July 31, 2008

BOOK REVIEW: Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

Alright everyone! I decided to finish Eclipse due to the fact that the next book in the Twilight series is coming out on Saturday morning and also the fact that I happen to be completely in love, unrealistically with Edward Cullen (I CAN do that, ya know!). This love story had my heart beating fast the whole time I read it. The beginning was a tad bit slow, however when it got moving, it didn't stop. I was literally at the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading. I didn't want to stop. I think Eliza might feel a little bit neglected at this point. Poor little girl! She will understand one day! I could totally picture everything that was going on. Thanks to the cast of the new characters for the Twilight movie being revealed, I finally had a clear picture as to what they looked like. Before that, my ideas kept changing as I would watch a show or see a picture in a magazine. I would think to myself, "Oh that guy would make a GREAT Edward!" or "That girl would be perfect if she played Bella!" I know, its very sad, but these books have consumed me. I want a love story like that! Where is MY Edward?! HAHA! OK! That was a teensy bit cheesy, but I will have to admit, I thought that a couple of times as I was reading the books. Eclipse was truly excellent! I read it in about 5 days, it would have been shorter had I not had to sleep or be a mom, both things that are essential and I enjoy. Eating these days doesn't seem to be ESSENTIAL because of my diet (that is working, by the way), so I didn't really have to stop reading for that. I absolutely loved this book! I loved all three! I can't wait till Saturday to start reading Breaking Dawn! Until then, I will be reading The Host by Stephanie Meyer as well. I am officially back into reading! It's my escape from my crazy life. What kind of books do you guys enjoy? I thouroughly enjoy books like the Twilight series. Suspensful mysteries with a little bit of CLEAN romance. So much fun!


Mollie said...

I started reading it on the plane today and it is really good! Loving it. I miss you guys. Nebraska is so far away!

Sara LaClaire said...

i finished new moon this week. i need to get to the library to get eclipse. not to rub it in or anything but joel is totally my edward. he doesn't do anything that i don't think "joel would do that if he could" or "joel has done that" or "just like joel". i feel pretty lucky but round one was soooo horrible i was bound to have a good round two. ;)