Saturday, July 26, 2008

Cute Pictures of Eliza, SHE'S WALKING!! & My Testimony of Isagenix

Hello Everyone! Just thought I would post some really cute pictures of Eliza. She has turned into the funniest baby lately! I mean, she's always been funny, but now she KNOWS it and so she hams it up whenever she can. She cackles, squints her nose and eyes. It's really just hysterical! With Isagenix I have to have 2 shakes a day that I mix in the blender. She always acts so surprised even when she knows its coming. She opens here mouth really wide and sometimes lets out a little gasp or squeal. I have yet to get my camera to take a picture in time, but when I do I will be sure and post it. These are just some really cute, random that I've taken this week. She is so FUN!!

Eliza sitting in her little rocking chair, rocking her babies (that was supposed to be her "time-out" much for that!!

Eliza has learned to climb under this bar stool. Its so cute! To get out she tries to do limbo underneath the wrung in front of her. It's hilarious because she thinks she is so funny!!

This is her little sad lip, or...her kissing lip. If she's sad she pouts her little mouth and if she wants to give a kiss, she does pretty much the same thing. Unfortunatly, its usually only the dog and her stuffed animals that get the luxury of a smooch from Eliza.

Some FUN news! Eliza is officially a walker. I keep trying to get it on video but when I pull out the camera she throws herself on the ground and cracks up. Its become somewhat of a game for her. I am so proud of her though. When that girl decides she's going to do something, she does it! But, not until she is darn, good and ready. I wonder where she got that from ;)?

For my Isagenix I said in the title, I truly have a testimony of this program. It has worked so well for me. Its been tough, I'm not gonna lie, but so worth it. I have 2 weeks left and I am so excited to see the final results. Honestly, anyone out there who is looking to lose some weight go to You will LOVE it!! My brother in law Carlos sells and consults for the product. He is a great coach! There were a couple of days where I just wanted to lay in my bed and cry because I was so hungry, but I knew it would get better. Well, Carlos told me it would, I was going purely on faith. But it has turned out great so far. I'm very impressed! I still have a little ways to go, but I'm sure that it will turn out great!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! TAKE CARE!!

P.S. Eliza is teething so she has drool on her shirt in the pictures under the stool. I don't usually allow my child to run around with dirty, foul clothes on :)!!


Tifany said...

so that stuff works huh??? I have struggling to lose some weight and if this stuff really works ill try it! Does it taste good at least???

Megan said...

I can't believe how much she looks like a grown up little girl... no more baby :( Good thing she is such a cute big girl :)

ryan + carly said...

ahhh! i need to see eliza walk. i am dying! also, i really haven't forgotten about the birth video, i just have been kind of....well, not home!! lol. so i promise to do my best to get it to you asap. so maybe when i get it done i will drop it by so i can come give eliza a visit. tell her i love her. xoxoxo