Sunday, July 13, 2008

St. George Historic Town Square & Brigham Young's Winter Home

We left California yesterday. I was so sad to say goodbye to my sisters and their families. We’ve had Amanda, Madison and Brandon with us for the last 3 weeks. It was so much fun! They were all such big helps. So, needless to say, I was pretty depressed to leave. It was a precious time. We stopped in St. George on our way home because, again, driving the whole 10 hours with Eliza would have been a nightmare. When we got there we could tell Eliza had cabin fever BAD! I took her to the little park they had by the hotel but that didn’t seem to tide her over. My mom and dad got back with Café Rio. I was starving! We decided to go over to the town square and eat outside. It was really great weather for St. George in July. When we got there I was so excited because they had this little water pool thing that some kids were playing in. There were also some little waterfalls. I knew Eliza would be in love. I quickly finished my burrito and took Eliza to play in the water. She was in HEAVEN! I had so much fun watching her splash around in the water. She even tried to drink out of one of the waterfalls. She was so cute! There was a water thing that sprayed from the ground. I figured Eliza would like that, but she wasn’t quite as impressed with that as she was with the waterfalls. It was so fun!!

This morning we went and ate at Bear Paw Café for breakfast. So YUMMY! We decided to drive by the Brigham Young house. I wanted to see what it looked like and lo and behold! It was opened for tours. We weren’t going to church today since we were traveling so we decided to go on the tour. Thanks to Ghost Hunters, I had the guts to actually go in this house. Before, I would’ve never done that. I didn’t like old things; that included houses. It was very informative. I learned why St. George was called St. George and why it was nicknamed “Dixie.” I’m glad we went. However, I am so very glad to be home. We had such a fun week but now its time to be home and get my little girl back into her normal routine.

The front of Brigham Young's house

Living Room

Kitchen Area

A very cool stove in the kitchen area

One of Brigham's wives room (NO! We don't still practice polygomy!)

Brigham's Room

Brigham's Room Again

How the house was ventilated - I can't remember how the sister missionary explained it, but it was very neat!

The room outside of Brigham's room

First Presidency & Twelve Apostales of the Church when Brigham Young was prophet. This picture was fun to look at!

All together, I think that we had a very successful and entertaining trip home. Eliza had a good time playing in the water and I really enjoyed learning more about the Church in the early years. The members went through a lot of yucky trials; trials that cannot even compare to what we face today. I'm grateful for their diligence and faith. Without that, I wouldn't be where I am today. Seeing this house and hearing the stories made my testimony of the gospel grow even more and I am grateful that I am able to raise my daughter knowing the principles that will help us to return to our Heavenly Father.


ryan + carly said...

such cute pics of eliza! i love her listening to music, too! so freaking funny. i love it!