Sunday, July 13, 2008

When in California...

While one is in California it would be an absolute shame to not go to the beach. So, on Tuesday we all headed down to Newport. Newport is our old stomping grounds. While I was growing up we spent many days lying on the beach, walking around Balboa Island, eating at Ruby’s Diner on the pier. So much fun! While we didn’t get the chance to lie on the beach, Eliza did get her chance to go into the Pacific Ocean for the very first time. She’s been in the Gulf of Mexico, but never the Pacific Ocean. Mollie took Eliza’s one-year-old pictures on the beach. Eliza headed immediately for the water when we got her in her bathing suit. I didn’t think she would be that excited, but she wanted nothing to do with just sitting on the beach. That made for some difficulty for Mollie, but she’s a professional so she worked with it. By the end we were all covered with sand and the bottoms of our jeans were wet. Eliza didn’t seem phased by it at all (one-year-old pictures still to come…). We met up with the rest of our family after we finished taking the pictures. We went over to Balboa Island to walk around. The homes are so beautiful there. I love to just look at them and daydream about someday being able to own one. DREAM is the key word here. I don’t think I could afford one on a Utah teacher’s salary. What a shame. We had such a good time at the beach! Being there is one of my favorite past times, so bringing my daughter there to experience it (even at such a young age) it very exciting for me!

Eliza and me on the pier next to Rubys

Eliza was enjoying some yummy food at one of my favorite places, Ruby's

Riding the ferry to Balboa Island

Grammy & Eliza on the ferry to Balboa Island

Sleepy Baby

On the ferry ride back

On Thursday night we had a BBQ at Carrie Beth’s pool. What a great time! My dad marinated some chicken and Carlos made some yummy carne asada. Mmmm! Before we ate, my niece Megan had Eliza in the pool. Eliza tends to be pretty wiggly and at the same time very independent, so when I heard this blood-curdling scream, I was ready to take action. I looked over and there was Eliza with her mouth and chin covered in blood. Megan told me that she smacked her mouth on the side of the pool. I wasn’t surprised at all. I got her all cleaned up and she was immediately ready to get back in the pool. Her lip was swollen for a couple of days, but it is healing nicely.

P.S. As long as I live, I will not put captions under my pictures on my blog. What a bloody nightmare!!