Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ghost Hunters

I have discovered this great new TV show. It is called Ghost Hunters and it is on the Sci-Fi channel. My niece Amanda introduced me to it while she was here. I was immediately hooked which is weird because those of you who know me know that the idea of a place being haunted really makes my skin crawl. I can’t even go into an antique store without getting all creeped out. I probably would have never watched this show had Amanda not pulled it up on the computer, but I’m so glad that she did. I LOVE it! The “hunters” are very down-to-earth guys who are out to disprove a haunting. Basically, they go into a place and try and figure out alternative reasons for the claims of a haunting. I think it is a very smart way to go about it. I was intrigued by their techniques. I think if anyone out there is afraid of ghosts or anything like that, you should watch this show. It really helped me to start to be comfortable with the paranormal. OK! I sound crazy, but you really have to know me to know about my fear of anything haunted. Just watch the show, you will get hooked!!


Lisa R.D. said...

The kids were talking about this a lot while they were with us--I'm still not sure I'm brave enough to watch... but maybe it would do the same for me and cut out the mystery of it all.